Disciplined Prayer

by Apostle Michael Hearon



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/20/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 55
ISBN : 9781436314770

About the Book

About the Author

Pastor Yasmin Hearon is a native of the island of Trinidad & Tobago. She has been married to Senior Pastor, Apostle Michael Hearon for 23 years and is the mother of 10 children and the grandmother of 6. She is founder of Extraordinary Women in Unity Conferences, a division of Unity of the Faith Ministries, where her husband is Pastor. Among her many gifts from God, Pastor Yasmin walks in the office of a prophet. Not only is Pastor Yasmin an insightful teacher of the Word of God, she LIVES out the Word to the fullest in her life.