Soul Mates

by P.A. Bennett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 139
ISBN : 9781441535825

About the Book

Skyler Montgomery stood silently on the balcony of her home, on top of the mountain. Her house overlooks the sleepy little town of Weston, West Virginia. She loved the Appalachian mountains at night. She would listen to the timber wolves howl their song of loneliness, to watch the owls in flight and as always the cute little bandit the raccoon as he played. The night was beautiful with the trees in there oranges, yellows and reds. Fall was here and the night air was cool to her skin. She had not run with the wolves in a long time now, there was no joy in it any more. Skyler had been alone now for the last one hundred years and truly believed that she was the last of her kind, a creature of the night. Then he spoke his voice so seductive that it wrapped itself around her body and held her tight. Skyler turned towards the voice and there standing in front of her was the blackest eyes that she had ever seen. He was a good bit taller than her, by almost a foot, coal black hair and the most magnificent smile a predators smile Skyler thought. “Let me introduce myself, my name is Dominic Benetino.” “Hello my name is Skyler Montgomery.” Why do I feel compelled to tell him my name though it felt like a compulsion and that’s what really bothered her. He took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor put his arms around her and pulled her close, “Relax my love its just a dance.” Skyler relaxed somewhat and found herself molded perfectly with his body, his very hard body. She noticed that their hearts seem to be beating in the same rhythm. They moved as if they were one being as if they belonged together. “We do my love, we do belong together and for the first time in a hundred years Skyler felt both safe and afraid. Who was this man to make her emotions in control and not her head. “I told you my love my name is Dominic Benetino”

About the Author

I was born in West Virginia but currently live in Portsmouth, Virginia with a wonderful Mother. I have no children of my own but I do have adopted children and grandchildren who support me in everyway. My hobbies are reading, watching old movies, shooting pool and riding my Harley Davidson. I also enjoy the mountains and the country very much.