Journey To Freedom

Let Your Spirit Soar

by James F. Yuhasz, Sr.



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/14/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9781436370660

About the Book


A unique, comprehensive study of the causes of and solutions to Addictions and other Life-Situational Problems caused by our own Wrongful Thinking both in our personal encounters with Life itself and our daily interactions with our fellow Human Beings, which brings us to the Truth in the expressions, "Whenever I have a problem, I am the problem." and "Let It Begin With....Me."

The work is based mainly on the authorĀ“s own experiences from his childhood in a seriously dysfunctional family, how these experiences affected his decisions in how to live his life, where these decisions led him, his addictions and what it took to make the changes in his thinking that dramatically changed his life from one bound to the horrors of his addictions to one of peace, serenity and happiness with 23 years of sobriety and counting.

He believes that the main things he learned were Humility, Surrender and the true meaning of Love, what it is and what it is not.

This book is for the addicted, pre-addicted and the non-addicted alike, in that we are all subject to the wrongful thinking that causes us difficulties that we stumble into through our long-held opinions, convictions and our judgment of others, the words we sometimes utter, words that are often left unspoken, how we put words together that convey the message of and ensure our dependencies on people, places and things.

It was written from the head and heart of the author, motivated by the Love in his heart for his fellow human beings of all stripes.


"Journey to Freedom-Let Your Spirit Soar" is an interesting non-fiction work by James Yuhasz. This work is designed to bring the reader into a closer relationship with God by helping to overcome the "victim" mentality.

Mr.Yuhasz begins the work with an autobiographical sketch of his life. As a young child he survived many illnesses and accidents, which can only be attributed to God. Gifted in different ways, he did not utilize his gifts and experienced a series of low points in his life when he became self-destructive. A recovering alcoholic for the last 23 years, Mr. Yuhasz has used his experience to counsel others who are in similar situations.

Mr. Yuhasz shows that the key to recovery is surrender to the Lord. By continuing to fight, one only continues the vicious cycle of self-destruction. But by accepting the Lord and "marching to your own drummer", you will find happiness and self-fulfillment.

The rest of the work is the authorĀ“s guide to overcoming fear. With chapters entitled "Acceptance", "Perseverance", "Sponsors" and "Self-Worth and Time",there is something for eveyone here. Although addressed to primarily those with drug or alcohol addictions, this work can be used by any person with any type of addiction---whether it be shopping, gambling or just someone experiencing depression or low self-esteem.

"Let Your Spirit Soar" is an uplifting and insightful work from James Yuhasz. With its pearls of wisdom, this work is one that should be read again and again. This work may appeal to a wide variety of readers.

About the Author