Abigail's Prayer

by Anthony Guido & Bruna Guido



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/26/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781436371803
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781436371810

About the Book

In order to live life wholly and fully, we seem to know instinctively that we need to have perfect health. All in the desire to sustain health, many opinions have surfaced, most of which focus on preserving the physical aspect of a human being. One fictional little girl gains God’s infinite wisdom to explain health in a spiritual context and spreads it to all of God’s children in Anthony and Bruna Guido’s newest book, Abigail’s Prayer. Abby is a little girl who disliked getting sick. She prayed to God one night with such pure fervency and God began to speak to her, revealing the Truth behind perfect health and all Life. Through this experience, Abby gains an awakening in the fullness of God and begins to understand that the wholeness of Life includes perfect health, and that sickness is an illusion, a false belief. In the course of Abigail’s Prayer, readers will gain to understand that Goodness only comes from God, and His Life, everlasting and eternal, could only give perfect health to all creations whose lives originate in Him. Abigail guides her readers in awakening themselves to God’s Light, and reveals that the way to prevent sickness is to live in God’s Life.

About the Author