The Repentant Watchman

An Allegorical Introduction to Neo-Zoist Philosophy

by Nile



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/27/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781441525796
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 137
ISBN : 9781441525802

About the Book

Nile brings us a fresh perspective and outlook in life by introducing us to the Neo-Zoist philosophy in the engaging book, The Repentant Watchman. Neo-Zoism, meaning New Life, offers a starting point for the professor as well as the pupil, for the child as well as the adult, for the poor as well as the rich, and for all people in all stages of life. Our interpretation of heaven and hell, God and the Bible, war and peace, Earth and Space, and all the mysteries that surround us, depends on our initial view of life. Nile insists that view be re-evaluated. Creatively scripted allegories share perspectives that explanations themselves cannot achieve. You will experience the gripping effect of sharp narrative and keen observation, energetic dialogue, sincere reflection, and everything in between. We are all due a new beginning and this book intends to permit just that. Make the story of The Repentant Watchman the story of your life, too.

About the Author