by Altheia Abdullah



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/21/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781453504024
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781453536407

About the Book

The purpose of this book is to cause even the smallest child to get used to talking to Jesus about their everyday issues. They should not have to wait until they become adults to deal with issues that could hurt, hinder, or even cripple their lives. Many have not been told that there is SOMEONE who cares and loves them enough to hear what is really in their hearts, however small or great. Some of the issues of our children are taken too lightly. Some situations that they encounter must be dealt with seriously and, too often, spiritually. When left unchecked, we, the parents, give opportunity for their growth to be formed in a fashion not benefi cial to them later in life. Parents tend to think, “Oh, they’re just children, and they will grow out of it.” Some even think it is cute the way their children act out frustration. But too often, they do not grow out of it. These frustrations become lifelong character traits, only because they were allowed to take root and grow in their hearts. When we see adults displaying some of these character traits mentioned in this book, do you think they just woke up one morning and decided they wanted to act or feel this way? No, there was a situation that allowed these seeds to take root, and much of it began in their formative years. The seeds that were allowed to enter in their hearts become plants, then fruit from that plant if not cultivated, pruned, watered, and given the right kind of nourishment (natural or spiritual food) will develop weeds and thorns and choke the possibility of any good fruit. Objectives: 1. To give defi nition to an emotion or action 2. To cause a child to identify with a story line 3. To establish a dialogue with Jesus

About the Author

ALTHEIA ABDULLAH lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband Eddie. They have four adult children. She is a member of Go Ye International Ministry and is on the intercessory team.