A Piano Teacher's Kaleidoscopic Memories
Book Details
About the Book
A Piano Teacher’s Kaleidoscopic Memories contain short commentaries about music, musicians, biographies, encounters and observations of a piano teacher over a period of fifty years. The memoirs begin with a lesson with one of the world’s most renowned teachers, Rosina Lhevinne, of the Juilliard School in New York, and end with a few pointers the author learned from some of America’s most outstanding piano teachers: Richard Buhlig, Earle Voorhees and Helen Scoville. They are also chuck full of informative anecdotes, warm recollections and comments about many well known, as well as not so well known, artists and composers. Colleagues from the Music Teacher’s Association of California predict that these memoirs will find a welcome among music teachers and by anyone interested in the field of music.
About the Author