The Seasons of Tulul




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/6/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 315
ISBN : 9781413476811

About the Book

What could be timelier than a book that seeks to explore the way of life, and the very mind of Bedouin Arabs? The Seasons of Tulul is an account of a sojourn among the Bedouin of the Judean Desert, describing among other things family life, inheritance, tribal relationships, feuding, religious thought, and confrontations with the modern world. It is about friendship, honor, hatred, and obligation in ways that are not familiar to us, and perhaps it is high time that the English speaking public became more acquainted with the Arab friends that we are trying to help, and the Arab enemies that we are trying to defeat.

About the Author

Egon H.E. Lass was born in the province of Angeln, Germany in 1938 and immigrated to the United States when he was thirteen years old. In later life he received his MA from the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, and spent close to thirty years in Israel as an archaeologist. Next to numerous scientific articles, he has published works of poetry and prose in various literary journals, including The American Scholar, Epicenter, Passage, Omphalos, and The Kansas Magazine. He is the author of The Seasons of Tulul, an account of life among the Bedouin of the Judean Desert.