The Troyuan Chronicles... Book Two
Book Details
About the Book
We look back, through the fathoms of past ages, to the Classical Times when all Amazia sang the song of achievements. With inner envy and a hammer blow from the subconscious, backlash of tears and torment, crying ‘how can this have happened? Where did we go wrong?’ Like a parent, whose child has gone astray, we weep over the wreckage of what once was, and only dream, of what could have been. As we ponder through the ages embedded in the decaying Imperial Archives, my wife and I discover the cache of data crystals. Once lost, or forgotten, buried within the ruins of the Capital Area’s infrastructure, we now bring to light the sagas of a lost world. Such wondrous times are embodied within, we sing of a freshness never felt! Of a remarkable Young Man, Alack Troyus and his mission to fight crime and injustice from the Special Services. His adventures span the entire length and depth of an age long ago, forgotten. Fighting the evils of a brave new Empire, a true hero we of these dreary days only dream about in a child’s apprehension. The passage of time is relentless, unyielding, a constant beating of the elements against our fragile memories. But here, in the dimness of these ruins, the glory is revealed and the truth once again shines forth! Amazia, her Society, her government and servants, the vitality is reborn in the tales. Such stories of youthful energy, where all of stellar creation is a playing field for Alack Troyus, going recklessly forward, never stumbling, but always landing on his feet. His voice, once only a silent whisper, now a shout bridging the ages, circling the fallen pediments, they rise up in grandeur, restored, as the tales live again! Ernest Velon Larentia, 9814 U.C.
About the Author
Leo Guabello Jr., has spent most of his free time embellishing Amazian history, ‘The Immense Epic’, through short stories and three novels. ‘The Man from Hardin’, ‘Omnitempus’, ‘Wake of the Stellar Queen’ and the ‘Troyuan Chronicles, books one and two’, are only part of the tales from Amazia, ‘The Captain Soton Adventures’ series, the other half. A resident of northern New Jersey, Leo/Ernest Velon, is involved in other art projects within the Amazian mythos, such as the ‘Thracian Unbound’ cartoon series. A lover of Roman History, Leo draws his inspiration from the past, mingling current events to present the future.