Rude Awakening

by Deena Marie Hamilton



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/11/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781425720018

About the Book

Immanuel arrives at Westport and finds that life there and at James Madison High School isn´t all that it´s cracked up to be, and some students realize that there´s more to Immanuel than meets the eye. Immanuel has to thrawt oof the unwanted romantic affections of the most popular girl in school, deal wtih the ridcule of hanging out with the local thug, and everyone is wondering why he has become friends with the school outcast. Immanuel´s interactions with the students remind him of some of the life experiences he had when he was here over two thousand years ago.
This book tells a unique tale that takes biblical principles and incorporates these concepts into a wonderful story teens can enjoy as it is neither “churchy” nor “judgmental”. “Immanuel” is not only portrayed as the “Son of God” but also as a regular teen like the rest of the students at James Madison High School.

About the Author

Deena Marie Hamilton is a local licensed pastor in the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church. She is trained to do ministry with children, youth, and young adults. She has here bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a master’s in business administration with emphasis in health care management. She plans to become an ordained minister later in life. With all that she has been through in life, she wants to help young people deal with hard-hitting life issues in an approach that correlates with her faith and experiences. Pastor Hamilton lives in Little Rock, Arkansas with her daughter