Why No Money

by D. Gaddis



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/26/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781425717629

About the Book

This book explains how the author thinks that any economy based on any medium of exchange, which money is, is doomed to failure. It takes a brief look at the history of the world and points an accusing finger at money as the cause of all the heartache of mankind. It also points at those responsible. It goes into what many of the prophets said, what Jesus Christ said, and what the Apocalypse says and it shows, in the personal opinion of the author, that the medium of exchange is soon destined for the scrap heap of history.

About the Author

D. Gaddis is only a layman but has been very observant of the economy of the world. She is a Catholic Christian and has been intensely interested in end time prophesies. She believes personally that everything which the Holy Bible says is true if you understand the language that God was using when he had his servants write it. She has used the Bible as a blueprint to see the world emerging into what it is becoming. This book explains in condensed form what she sees.