Life of love and Disappointments of Poetry


by Bernice Hawkins



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/26/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781425773601
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 51
ISBN : 9781425754747

About the Book

Dear Readers,

Hello my name is Bernice Hawkins. I am a mother, wife, sister, friend and most importantly a Christian. God has given us talents that most people call “hidden talents” but I realized that God is not in the “hiding business” He is in the “revealing business”. Long ago before I was here, God’s plan unfolded for my life and what I have become today. Somewhere down the road we lost our way to our God given natural talents; but the Lord has blessed me and has lead me to share my story with you. We all have families and we want them to grow in the Lord. This book was written from my life’s experiences. You may relate to one or two poems, they may unlock a memory you had hidden for years. But whatever the case this book is worthy to be added to your library. If you have ever had love and disappointment in your life; take a journey with me. Through surviving difficult experiences these poems have healed me along with prayer. I would like to share them with you. You can look forward to reading about Changes, Missing You, Empowerment, Growing Foundation, Life, Who AM I, Direction, Family and so much more!

About the Author