''Amen, I Say To You''
Sunday Homilies for Cycles A, B, and C and Homilies for Holy Days of Obligation
Book Details
About the Book
Amen, I Say to You includes homilies for Cycles A, B, and C of the liturgical year, and a homily for each Holy Day of Obligation within the Roman Catholic Church. Each homily consist of three main points with supporting examples and illustrations. These are homilies I have preached, and they have been constructed with attention to verbal presentation. Another homilist easily should be able to substitute or include examples from his or her own pastoral or lived experience within the conceptual structure each homily provides. These homilies are not essays; they include no long, convoluted, hard to understand sentences. I try for simplicity of words and sentences, for concrete language everyone can understand. Feedback from posting some of the homilies on the internet has characterized the homilies as well planned, with ideas placed in a logical and precise order. They have been called “simple, personal, and practical;” “very inspired and insightful;” containing “deep reflection and authentic Christian faith;” and “illustrative, applied and down to earth practical.”
About the Author
Clyde A. Bonar, Ph.D., is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Orlando with twenty-two years of pastoral experience, including ten years as pastor. He attended seminary at the St. Meinrad School of Theology and took a doctorate in spirituality at Duquesne University. In addition to his pastor duties, Father Bonar was for two years the Director of the Institute of Formative Spirituality at Duquesne University. His published works include fifteen articles on spirituality and three series of retreat talks by Alba Communications.