Along the Way
Travel Stories
Book Details
About the Book
Along the Way." is a collection of travel stories that offers just the right blend of exoticism, humor, and danger. The authors have devoted a good part of their lives to traveling, often in precarious conditions.
About the Author
Three travelers, as disparate as it gets: an artist, a poet and a geologist recount their journeys on many continents and climes. From Africa to Eurasia to Greenland, Central and South America, Oceania and the American West, their traveling companions and the people and situations they encounter may raise your hackles, bring on a shudder or a laugh. Along the way you’ll experience interesting geographies, ethnologies and sometimes bizarre human behavior. Bueno Viaje! James Maxwell is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer, he incorporates words, statements into his art work. "I am an image person, I get my understanding of life through pictures - little reason why I travel." Lydia Rand was born in Paris and moved the U.S. in the sixties. She is a published poet and short story writer in both French and English. She is first and foremost an inveterate traveler. Skip Wollenberg is a geologist whose travels have taken him from Greenland to Siberia to Patagonia. His travel stories have a strong sense of the geography and geology of the land that anchors the reader in the setting.