The Breath of God

Why Study Greek?

by Edward F. Lundwall, Jr.



Book Details

Language : Multiple languages
Publication Date : 3/15/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781450008617

About the Book

The Breath of God was written with the purpose of promoting the use of Greek by Christian leaders to more accurately shepherd God’s people. Edifying others is NOT an option for Christian leaders. It is a calling a having basic relationship to Christ. For this reason, correctly interpreting God’s Word not only is a means of gaining the Lord’s approval (2 Tim 2:15; 3:16, 17), but is a matter of awesome accountability (James 3:1 NKJV). Indeed, the Lord Jesus told Peter, caring for His sheep is love for His Person. In Matthew 5:18, the Lord said that even the smallest letters of the original inspired Bible is that which teachers are accountable to obey and teach. This book demonstrates the necessity of using Greek to find the clarity and accuracy of what the Holy Spirit inspired.

About the Author

While the author has been a home missionary establishing Churches, an Army Chaplain during the Viet Nam war, Pastor, and Bible College teacher, his present ministry is that of a free lance writer. He has written several books and produced many booklets for mission fields. From the experience of translating the Great Commission, he discovered just how much light can be found using Greek than inconsistent translations. From using Greek in his 50 plus years of ministry, he complied this book. He earned the B.S., M.R.E. and M.Div. degrees. He is a widower with three children and five grandchildren.