You Know Better

by B. Lisa



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/1/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 145
ISBN : 9781436381895

About the Book

YOU KNOW BETTER- is a fictional novel based upon the lives of four people dealing with the ups and downs of friendships and relationships. An erotica, urban hip hop story combine with street smarts. A book about love, lies, betrayal and loss.

The story begins with Autumn lying awake in her bed crying. She is furious that its four o'clock in the morning and Chance, her boyfriend is not at home. Despite their two o’clock curfew rule and the fact that they had just had it out two weeks ago about him coming home late, Autumn becomes more and more angry. Angry with knowledge that when Chance gets home he'll be expecting her to be up waiting to argue, fuss and fight only to end the night with sex; which is part of the "love game" he likes to play. But not this time, Autumn vowed to herself, promising that she will not give up or give in this time no matter what tricks Chance pull out his sleeves.

So, when Chance finally arrives home expecting Autumn to be up waiting, he notices her lying in their bed pretending to be asleep. After undressing and getting into the bed with her, he calls out her name as he pulls her body close to his. Still pretending to be asleep, Chance knows that Autumn has a weakness for his touch. As he uses his methods of persuasion; sex, Chance touches Autumn’s body and she changes her mind by giving into the feeling. They end up having sex as Chance expected.

The next morning at work, she and her best friend, Imarnie "Penny" Culpepper, discuss the situation. After getting into a big argument about Chance and the way he has been treating Autumn, they get upset with one another and stopped speaking to each other. But Autumn know that Penny is right but don't want to admit it. Later that day, all is forgiven between the two friends.

While dealing with her own problems with her boyfriend's, Devin Peterson, ex-wife and mother of their child, Penny knows that she is trying to do everything she can to get him back even using their daughter as a pawn. But the love Devin has for Penny conquers all. They finally get married and have a baby boy.

As time goes on, Autumn and Chance stay together but their relationship becomes more and more fractured. Chance starts to cheat with his best friend’s girlfriend’s cousin named Nina and Autumn starts to cheat with an old boyfriend from high school, Marquez Wilson, her first love.

When Autumn starts to feel the pressures of dealing with two men at the same time, she struggles with the decision to leave Chance. But when she catches Chance with Nina; his now pregnant fiancée, she ends their relationship and becomes engaged to Marquez.

As the story continues, nine months later, Chance marries Nina but realize that he desperately want to get back with Autumn. She refuses and on the day of her wedding to Marquez, the situation turns violent. The manuscript ends with a surprisingly ending that you never saw coming.

You Know Better is a hot and steamy page turner with more thrills and suspense than your favorite rollercoaster ride and more drama than your average soap opera.

About the Author

Bridgette “B.Lisa” Coleman- lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter. Inspired by her love for reading and a challenge from her “little sister” to write an erotica, urban street hip hop story. This is her first published novel.