The Inn at Walnut Valley

by Joan Lewis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/20/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 295
ISBN : 9781436396837

About the Book

Zorita is born and she is the pride of her young mother, Pearl, and her mother’s older lover, Miss Ada. As the two women raise the girl they tell little Zorita everything they feel she need to know, no matter how far-fetched or taboo for the child’s innocent mind. The two women are happy raising their daughter. But at age fourteen Zorita becomes pregnant. It sends the parents into a spiral of anger and they lock the teenager in the windowless basement during her pregnancy. When it is time for Zorita to deliver, Miss Ada is right there. To Pearl’s horror, the infant is stillborn. Zorita is forced to remain in the basement while Miss Ada travels in search for a new home in another state. The older woman finds a place for them to live in Timberland, Pennsylvania. After graduating from Timberland’s Lincoln High School, Zorita’s life takes on an even rockier course. The men she marry each leave her heartbroken; plus she is estranged from her unconventional parents. Zorita finds solace upon purchasing The Inn at Walnut Valley. She changes the inn’s reputation from a seedy flop-house, to a more respectable establishment. Becoming the proprietor of the newly-acquired inn seems to set Zorita’s life back onto smoother grounds. Junior Walker and the All-Stars, The Ohio Players, and The Righteous Brothers rock her place during special occasions. The Inn at Walnut Valley becomes the focal point of the young lady’s life. The new inn owner meets some pretty colorful clientele. These patrons come to her place to party and find a place to rest their head. And man, do they have some stories to tell.

About the Author

Joan Lewis is an avid reader and writer. The Inn at Walnut Valley is her first self-published novel. In 2001, Joan’s short story, Pass It On was published in Chicken Soup for the Father’s Soul, (Health Communications, Inc). Also in 2001, her short story, The Warmest Christmas was published in Celebrating The Season, (Essence Publishing). She has contributed two essays to staff writers for articles in her city’s newspaper, Democrat and Chronicle. Joan has also had a by-line article printed in the city’s Democrat and Chronicle as well. In the summer of 1996, Joan placed as semi-finalist in The International Society of Poets Competition, held in Washington, D.C. She has written over three-hundred poems. She credits her loving husband for his patience, support and love as she consistently wrote and edited this novel. He has been instrumental in encouraging her and providing the most updated equipment to aid the author in her writing. He has also supplied Joan with valuable research information. Joan would also like to give her sincere appreciation to all of her family and friends for their time, support and encouragement. Their enjoyment of her literary works greatly motivate her.