PopPop's Pond and Russ the Hippopotamus
Book Details
About the Book
Hi. My name is Ted, but all the children in the area call me Pop Pop. I got the name Pop Pop from my daughter. You see a long, long time ago, when she was very small and learning to talk, she had difficulty calling her Grandfather, Granddad or Grandpa so he said to her: “just call me Pop Pop” …. And she did. Now, when she grew up and had children of her own, I became their Pop Pop. The name has been with me ever since. I am a story teller and songwriter and have included two of my favorite audio stories in this book. Pop Pop’s Pond and Russ the Hippopotamus are two fun and educational stories, both inspired by my grandchildren. I hope you get as much enjoyment and entertainment from this book as I have had in creating it.
About the Author
T. Albert is an author, songwriter, composer, and producer who typically expresses, and shares, his creations through audio media. In retrospect he can’t forget the pleasure he saw in his children and grandchildren as they looked at, scribbled in, and later read their favorite book; allowing their “minds eye” take them on a magical journey. Nor can he forget the pleasure in sharing special time with them and reading to, and with, them. These fond memories prompted him to incorporate two of his favorite audio stories into this book. A book that your child can enjoy or you can enjoy together. If you would like to listen to the original audio stories, including their corresponding songs, please visit: independentmusicsales.com