Singing Excellence and How to Achieve It
The Consummate Art of Glorious Singing
Book Details
About the Book
I’ve never known of any other work which has been written with such
artistic and philosophical elegance and incisive vocal and musical insight.
~Maestro Frank G. Holley, organist, composer
This ‘vocal manifesto,’ if universally applied, would usher in a
Millennium of vocal opulence and splendor, as its founder asserts; for
it is an Elijah’s chariot to heaven of vocal power, effi ciency, facility
and magnifi cence. ~Dr. John T. Mize, past President of the Assoc. of
American Musicologists & Director of Musical Organizations for
General Motors [From International Who’s Who]
I want to sudy your book on singing thoroughly. It is, truly, a most
remarkable work; and, it ought to be found in every major opera house
and School of Music in America, and throughout the world! ~Maestro
Michael Ballam, a”Doctor of Music with Distinction” (D.Mus.D.) &
General Director of Utah Festival Opera Co.
I shall consume your brilliant treatise on
singing with utmost enthusiasm! It is a
great and monumental, albeit, heretical,
masterpiece! ~ Lester Morris, Australian
tenor, Impresario & Artistic Director of the
Rockdale Opera Co.