Skeletons In The Gun Cabinet
Book Details
About the Book
Tens of millions of law-abiding American citizens own firearms. Some, such as law enforcement officers and private investigators, own firearms as tools of their trade. Many use firearms to hunt game, while others shoot nothing but paper targets and clay pigeons. However, within this vast shooting community thrives a tiny group who shamelessly indulge in the fun, frivolity and euphoria of compulsively buying, shooting and trading their personal firearms. Harmless as they are annoying, these courageous firearm enthusiasts shamelessly pursue their hobby, look common sense in the face—and laugh! Within these pages is the story of such a man—a man who in spite of being responsible and such a good influence, has cast aside good taste, risked marital harmony and endured endless hours wrestling with his nagging conscience. Few can truly appreciate the great sacrifice he and others like him have made—to seek the road less traveled and experience their love of firearms to the fullest—to willingly embrace the most challenging affliction of all—Gun Acquisition Addiction!
About the Author
John Snow has been a lifelong resident of Iowa. Born August 23, 1954, he grew up on a farm near Jefferson, hunting small game and experiencing the simple joys of rural living. Firearms have always been part of his life, whether sport shooting or carrying professionally. Throughout the years, hard work, raising a family and love of country has been his idea of living the American dream. An avid firearms enthusiast, he currently lives with his wife, Flory in northwest Iowa.