
''Answers'' to Fifteen of your Questions

by Cary Muata Nkosi



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/5/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781436356596

About the Book

This book is drawn from a debate that took place in a church in Atlanta Georgia. It is a written account of the statements made by Pastor Cary Muata Nkosi debating with four local Pastors on whether or not it is proper for Christians to participate in TITHING. At the end of the debate was the Question and Answer Segment. There the audience gave voice to their questions and concerns about paying tithes. This book is an account of the Q & A segment only. We have provided you with fifteen of the most relevant questions asked that night along with the answers from both sides. Here are four of the fifteen questions you will find within this book: (1) Are Christians required by GOD to pay Tithes to their home church? (2) How will we pay the bills of our church without collecting tithes? (3) Did tithing exist before Moses and Israel? (4) Once and for all, did Abraham really practice tithing? If you have doubts about tithing then you should not be tithing anyway! It is written...whatsoever is not of faith is sin! Since you have doubts about giving away your hard earned money, then why not learn the truth about the Law of Tithing once and for all? Prove it to yourself!...the truth shall make you free! Believer, The day you READ in your Bible where Peter, Paul, or any Apostle collected one single tithe from a Believer, let that be your day to begin paying tithes to your Pastor! Also, that same day, please contact me so I can read it and begin paying tithes to him or her also. Until then Saint, STOP paying tithes! ..........God Bless!!........

About the Author