Earth, Alien Colony!

by Jeanie Whetstone Ortega



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 2/28/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781436368155

About the Book

About the Author

I am a sixty-seven years old artist and writer. I have two grown sons, one a Downs syndrome, and both are the love of my life. I was a portrait artist most of my life. When I wasn’t painting people, I was painting Everglades scenes and commercial work. I have read the Bible since I was seven years old. Two years ago, after 60 years of study, I discovered the key that unlocks the secrets to the Bible’s truth. When I discovered the key to reading it, everything in the Bible that had always confused me as hearsay or someone’s imagination, became perfectly clear. I knew that people don’t usually write lies about something that is miraculous to them. They may exaggerate but they don’t usually lie. I discovered it was not a religious book at all, but a historical book. A magnificent event had taken place here on the earth, thousands of years before mankind was created. This event is the story about the Israelites, the last colony established on the earth by one particular alien world. Thank you, Jeanie W. Ortega