Knowing How The Lord's Prayer Will Work For You

by Ebenezer Hagan



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/13/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 179
ISBN : 9781436379526

About the Book

About the Author

In this book: KNOWING HOW THE LORD’S PRAYER WILL WORK FOR YOU, Rev. Ebenezer Ato Hagan, a man of indepth spiritual insight and fortitude as inspired by the Spirit of God makes known some profound truths that hitherto were domiciled in abrupt ignorance and obscurity to many persons in the Body of Christ. Dwelling on Biblical principles and references, he brings us timeless teachings that should rapt the attention of all those who desire to move from merely scratching the surface of the subject in the Christian’s life. His emphasis on matters that have to do with knowing how the Lord’s prayer works is very highlighted and acknowledged. Through this book I believe many lives will be spiritually, mentally, emotionally and bodily impacted, and liberated as they scripturally and spiritually engage in knowing how the Lord’s prayer works. This book is a must for every Minister and his Members, Presidents, Statesmen, Royal kings and queens, Business Executives, Men and Women Fellowships, entrepreneurs, Families, Prayer Warriors, the Sinner and the Saint, and Everyone created in the Image of God. You should know everything about how the Lord’s Prayer works.