Songs of Prayer

Sing it, Say it, Speak it, Now Pray it!

by Lady Tibba Gamble



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 57
ISBN : 9781441536570

About the Book

BOOK SUMMARY Sing it, Say it, Speak it, and now Pray it. Have you ever talked to God like you would talk to a friend? If not, I encourage you to pray this way, whether in spoken words or song. Let these songs usher you into that intimate place. Make your own tune allowing the words to bring life to your situation as you watch God reveal Himself and healing takes place. Many times we deal with the pain of rejection, lack or heartache; we silently scream in pain and no one hears...but God, who heals from the inside out, hears even the silent cry.

About the Author

Words about the Author Lady Tibba Gamble began singing as a young child. Her mother, the late Missionary Clyde Gamble recognized her gift, so she encouraged and instilled deep spiritual roots in Lady Tibba. An awesome mantle of anointing was imparted to her to further empower not only her ministry in song but her spoken word ministry as well. Lady Tibba has weathered many of life’s storms and still emerges as a diamond-in-the-rough. She has experienced the broken heart that often results from failed long-time relationships, sickness in her body, as well as the untimely loss of loved ones and material possessions. Her true strength was identified early in life when she survived the death of her mother at the tender age of 12 years old. Through these and countless other trials…Still She Rises.