Simon Split The Old Gray Mule
The Old Gray Mule
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About the Book
Johnson’s Old Grey Mule “Johnson had an old gray mule, his name was Simon Split, he would roll his eyes, he swished his tail, and he would greet you with a smile. “You could hear him sing, ‘will he eat corn, hee-haw, hee-haw’ till you get him out of the field. “Johnson hitched him up to try him out one day, he kicked and he pawed till the chicken’s crew for day. “You could hear him sing, ‘will he eat corn, hee-haw, hee-haw’ till you got him out of the field.” These are the words to ‘Johnson’s Old Gray Mule’. My daddy used to sing it to all my children and me. This song is, at best guess, over a hundred years old. As the story goes, my Grandpa brought home a phonograph and some records and the mule song was in the bunch. I wonder when, what year, and how old Papa was then. There’s so much I wish I could ask if only I could talk to Papa and Nanny for a few hours. “Just one more time, Papa, please sing about the mule, please sing about the mule.” This is the song that started all the Simon Spilt stories Maggie Stevens