A Walk Between Worlds, Truth is Beauty, The Q'ero

by Denise A. Kinch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/29/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781441588173
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 11x8.5
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781441533838
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 11x8.5
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781441533821

About the Book

Walk between the Worlds. Imagine yourself stumbling through time and landing in the Andes mountains 600 years ago. This could be the village of Chua Chua or Yawacancha, home of the Q’ero nation. Be it modern day or 600 years past, these villages have remained the same. The people who make them their home still following the footsteps of their ancestors. A Walk between the Worlds shows you the beauty of these homes, these people, with it’s brilliant photography and documentation from first hand experience at 17 000 feet above sea level. Meet Denise Kinch, Humanitarian, Healer, Explorer and Modern day Medicine Woman. Her path to find the root of the healing tradition she was studying in the USA led her to meet Don Manuel Quispe, Healer and Altomesayok of the Q’ero Indians of Peru. A Walk Between the Worlds shares the stories or their time together, and the powerful messages Don Manuel has to share with those open to hearing them. In her adventures in the high Andes and conversations with the elders of the Q’ero, Denise came across some suprising information. Many of the stories that have been taught to the west for the last 20 years about the Q’ero Nation are completely made up! She searched and searched to find validation for what she had been taught in the West only to come up continuously against walls saying ‘ this is not so’. After years of investigation and time spent with the people of the Q’ero in their villages she decided to put together this book. Upon his death bed in 2004 Don Manuel Quispe asked her to please tell the truth of his people…And so she is…. Denise explains to us what the Inca Empire was and shows us how the Q’ero were another nation represented in this huge cooperative. She gives us a brief description of the formation of the Communities at that time, and how land and wealth was divided amongst them. She shares with us some of the myths of creation still told by Peruvians today. Denise dispels the myths of the Inca Prophecies, Seven Saways and other phenomenom that are misrepresented as principles of the Q’ero nation. She takes you into the heart of their culture to understand what a day in the high Andes truly entails. From what they eat upon rising to what they wear each day. She shares with you what their true guiding principles are from the mouth of Don Manuel and the elders of their villages. The Q’ero people do not ‘have’ a spiritual tradition, they ‘are’ their spiritual tradition. Living at such high altitudes they are completely dependant on their relationship with each other and their environment. They understand that every element is an integral component of the whole picture, a necessity for survival. That to live in balance with their land they must be in ‘ayni’ with all their relations. Ayni is a Quechua word for reciprocity. To come into Ayni with something means to be in an equal exchange of energy. Don Manuel Quispe embodied this tradition, incorporating it into his healing work and his teachings. Reminding us that we are not separate from spirit, that we do not need a ‘go-between’, and that we too are a part of the whole picture…This is the nature of mountain medicine. Adventure with her on her fist journey leading the Vanishing Cultures Foundation Mountain Medical team to the home of the Q’ero, where she discovered during the trip they didn’t live on the sacred mountain of Ausangate like she had been taught. Follow her into the village of Yawacancha and hear the heart wrenching tales of the effects of baby formula being introduced by a group of missionaries. This womans single-handed desire to bring us the pure form of this tradition has sent her to numerous sacred lagoons, Mountains and villages. She has gone blindly through blizzards and up mountains into completely foreign territory, guided by faith alone. She has truly walked the walk and learned how to embody this tradition. It is who she has become. What a gift that she has chosen to sha

About the Author

Denise Kinch is a healer, teacher and humanitarian. She has dedicated the past 20 years to exploring and understanding the spiritual traditions of the Q’ero Indians of Peru so she may bring them to the West with grace. With the guidance of Don Manuel Quispe she formatted the path of light known as the Inca Medicine Wheel. She is the president of the Vanishing Cultures Foundation, a non-profit organization she formed in 1994 with her husband Paul to bring ethical aid to the people of Peru. Denise runs the Pachamama healing center, a community center for people and animals from her small farm in Groveland Ma.