In Pursuit of Prayer

by Rev. Robert Marquis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/14/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 95
ISBN : 9781450009058
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 95
ISBN : 9781450010726

About the Book

His first book In Pursuit of Prayer is an encouragement to the entire body of Christ, you will find it very challenging. It will challenge you to seek the face of God in an era when Christian spends most of their time in front a screen. This book will help you to spend some more time with God. As you read this book I know that it will help you in your prayer walk with God. My prayer is that your attitude towards prayer will change as you read this book.

About the Author

Robert H. Marquis better known as herbs was born in the beautiful Island of ST. Lucia in a little country side area called Blanchard. Where he spend most of his early childhood and teenage years. At the age of twelve God saved him miraculously. He attended a little Pentecostal church in the area. It was at the age of twenty he felt that the Lord was calling him into full time ministry; he had to go through a waiting period because God had to do some work on him. By the year 1989 he entered the doors of the West Indies School of Theology in Trinidad where he undergo training for three years. Upon returning home he was given the opportunity to work with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies St. Lucia district, he first pastors a little church in a fishing village called Anse-La-Raye, there he spend seven years pasturing it was also a learning experience for him. He then felt that God was telling him that it was time to move on, he became the pastor of the Babonneau Pentecostal Church where he is at present. Lots of changes have taken place since he assumed the leadership of the church. In 1999 he married a beautiful young lady from the British Virgin Islands Claris Francis. They have three beautiful children, two boys and one girl Semeion, Judah, and Anesis by name. Together they have become a very good team for the honor and glory of God. Rev: Marquis loves the Lord and is working very hard to establish the purpose of God on planet earth. He is very much active in ministry, his life has been a source of encouragement to all those that he has come into contact with.