Self Care

Empowering African American Christian Women Leaders Through Prayers and Forgiveness

by Dr. Helen Orme



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/21/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 167
ISBN : 9781465317360
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 167
ISBN : 9781441584328

About the Book

Taking the necessary time to minister prayer and forgiveness for oneself is vital: it enables one to remain fresh and vibrant while ministering to others. In addition, it fosters both spiritual and physical wholeness, as well as personal integrity. Taking the necessary time to minister prayer and forgiveness for oneself is vital: it enables one to remain fresh and vibrant while ministering to others. In addition, it fosters both spiritual and physical wholeness, as well as personal integrity. An action the middle-aged African-American woman can take toward self-care is the act of letting go. It is imperative to self-care: an individual cannot receive anything when they are full—full of caring and attending to others as well as unsettled concerns, emotions, or thoughts. The ability to let go is essential to move to a place of wholeness; it creates the space that is needed to receive more. It is impossible to pour more into a full cup, the cup will overflow: letting go of past experiences creates room for the new to emerge. “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them” (Isa. 42:9 [KJV]).

About the Author

This ordained woman of God is the founder and Pastor of Shekinah Glory Tabernacle, of Seattle, WA. Pastor Orme also served as the chairperson of the Altar/Prayer Ministry of the Pacific Northwest District Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. She is the Historian for the International Missionary Christian Women Auxiliary for the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. She served as the Women Auxiliary chairperson for the Pacific Northwest District Council. She served as the PNDC Registrar for over ten years. She is the founder and CEO of “The Daughters of Destiny Christian Women’s Fellowship” and the Destiny Learning Center in Renton, WA. She served as a licensed national Evangelist of the Pentecostal Assemblies of The World, Inc. for more than twelve years. Dr. Orme is the founder of “J & H Designs” which provides The Royal Prayer Bolsters ®, Miracle Bless Oil and Prayer Essentials. She has conducted Prayer Crusades, Prayer Shut-Ins and Retreats for the Pacific Northwest area and established “The Front Line Prayer Ministry.” She also has been Vice President of the Resolution Committee for the Pacific Northwest District Council and President of Friday Night Prayer Group. God has gifted Dr. Orme with the ministry of deliverance, gift of healing and the gift of prophesies. She is a worshiper of God. She has a genuine passion for the growth and development of God’s people in Biblical truth and principles. Dr. Orme is an author and international speaker. She earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2009. She graduated in 2007 with a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University. She completed her B.A. degree in Applied Psychology at City University in Bellevue, WA and received a B.A. degree in Biblical Education with emphases in Leadership and Policy Studies from Moore-Montgomery College. She graduated from the Project Lead Program from United Way of King County in 2003. She is an Internet talk show host on the Blog Talk Radio - H.O.M.E. Helen Orme Ministry of Empowerment. You can tune in at