Beyond Doubt

Four Steps to Inner Peace

by John Murphy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/6/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781441570574
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781441570581
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781453516133

About the Book

How long has it been since you held a negative thought and responded in a critical way? Think carefully. Consider all situations: a traffic jam, a slow computer, an unfriendly neighbor, a demeaning boss, a loss of money, an excessive bill, a headache, a defective purchase, a stubbed toe, a challenging child. Do you find that you experience criticism and judgment frequently? Do certain people and situations tend to annoy you? Are you someone who gets agitated and stressed often? Now stop and imagine a life of honest, genuine peace, deep stillness, boundless joy and imperturbability in any situation. Think about how people would treat one another if we all tapped into this God given right. Seem impossible? What an outrageous concept, some might say. Such a life could not possibly exist in today’s world. Centuries, millennia in fact, prove that the world is in a state of chaos. Wars exist all around us. Poverty is abundant. Crime rears its ugly head from Wall Street to Main Street. Violence is witnessed even at peace rallies and in church parking lots. People pray and ask for forgiveness and then return to patterns of impatience, anger, greed, doubt and disbelief. Beyond Doubt offers a simple, four-step model, The Ring of Peace, to facilitate inner peace and joy in everyday life. The model teaches the seeker how to release any hidden guilt and doubt buried in the unconscious mind, thus altering perception of the world. It shows people how to see and experience the wisdom and peace of God, even in what might now seem like the most difficult circumstances. The challenge is to overcome the resistance the human ego puts forth – a battle that has been going on in the collective mind since the fall from grace. Beware of this constraint, learn to understand it and let it go. Eternal flow and divine grace will follow. Be in-Spirit and you are inspired, a state of mind where fear and doubt cannot abide.

About the Author

John Murphy is a critically-acclaimed author, speaker, leadership coach, and business consultant. He is the founder (1988) of Venture Management Consultants, Inc., a fi rm specializing in creating inspiring, high performance work cultures. John has trained thousands of people from dozens of countries and provided mentoring services to some of the world’s leading organizations. He is the author of numerous books including Pulling Together: 10 Rules for High Performance Teamwork, Agent of Change: Leading a Cultural Revolution, Reinvent Yourself: A Lesson in Personal Leadership and Beyond Doubt: Four Steps to Inner Peace. John’s unique ability to draw from profound spiritual wisdom to solve modern day problems makes him a highly sought after teacher, facilitator and coach.