Late Night Musings
Book Details
About the Book
The wise know that life is not a singular thing; it has many facets. There is family and friends as well as life and death, good and bad, thoughtful and thoughtless, serious and frivolous. However, the rush of daily life doesn’t allow much time to sit back and really think about such matters.
Now past his working years, the author refl ects on life and has captured his fi ndings in thoughtful essays. These essays, not available on line, are a collection of some of the best offerings from the author’s blog, In them the author considers the wonders of life and well as its trials and tribulations. The words, ideas, and thoughts may not seem profound or novel at fi rst glance, but once read, they strike home. In some cases the musings suggest conclusions, while in others they simply recognize that living life doesn’t mean there are good answers for all we experience.
With over one hundred beautiful, thought provoking and sometimes humorous pieces or musings in this book, it becomes a refreshing breath of fresh air and a pleasure for those seniors who have experienced life and know what is important in living it. They should also give the younger reader a leg up on living their lives. There is defi nitely something for those of all ages who are ready to smile, laugh, reminisce, feel, learn and celebrate.
The reader is invited to enjoy the book at their own pace. It can be consumed in one fantastic feast or savored one bite at a time. The menu is varied enough to satisfy everyone’s taste. Come and enjoy – bon appétit.