The First Collection

by Avery T. Clemmons



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/31/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465347718

About the Book

Avery Clemmons was born in Fairbanks Alaska, and grew up in a large loving family. Home schooled, and raised in the small community of North Pole, he’s been able to develop as an artist. Specializing in computer graphics and paper sculpting, he loves to create various types of art including fantasy, mechanical, and abstract, even some work as applicable as his own frames and furniture. Art has been part of his life’s passion, lifestyle, and surroundings.

About the Author

Avery Clemmons was born in Fairbanks Alaska, and grew up in a large loving family. Home schooled, and raised in the small community of North Pole, he’s been able to develop as an artist. Specializing in computer graphics and paper sculpting, he loves to create various types of art including fantasy, mechanical, and abstract, even some work as applicable as his own frames and furniture. Art has been part of his life’s passion, lifestyle, and surroundings.