Looking for a Better Way to Pray?

by Dr. B. J. Willhite



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/22/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 127
ISBN : 9781450042321
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 127
ISBN : 9781450042307
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 127
ISBN : 9781450042314

About the Book

In 1988, I wrote a book called Why Pray?, which went through six printings by Creation House and one by the author. That book was written because I knew I had something to say to the prayers of America. I have, over the past fifty years of ministry, read scores of books on the subject of prayer. Most of them dealt with some rather fundamental issues, but none seemed to answer the questions I had regarding this matter. I wanted to know why God, who has all power, a plan and a will would need us to pray. I had read early in my life with God a statement attributed to John Wesley in which he said, “God does nothing, but in answer to prayer.” He did not explain the statement, but he sure caused me to think. If God does nothing but in answer to prayer, then prayer must be one of the most important things a Christian, can do. I believed the statement, but did not understand it and Wesley did not explain himself. Later I came to believe the following: God, who is sovereign, certainly has the power to do anything He wills to do whether anyone prays of not, however, I can say, from a careful study of the Word and a thorough examination of life’s experiences; as a rule, God does nothing, but in answer to prayer. THE LAW OF PRAYER is a follow-up of Why Pray? I have included in it some of the same material, with several new chapters, a new cover, forward and updated illustrations. David Shibley will write the forward. Other recommendations will come from Bishop Ken Ulmer of Los Angeles, CA, Pastor Steve Dixon, Jack Hayford and Mike Bickel. My Purpose in writing this: • Is to instruct, encourage, and inspire God’s children to pray by convincing them that He will hear their prayer as quickly as He will hear the prayer of anyone. • Is to share the truth that God our Father desires to have a relationship with each of His children and has made a way for this to happen. His door is never closed, and all are invited to come in for a chat. • Is to communicate a few more things I have learned to the thousands who read Why Pray? • Last, but not least, I want to obey my Father.

About the Author

Dr. Willhite has been in active ministry as Pastor//Teacher, Author, Counselor, Ministry Leader and Pray-er for more than 60 years. After serving as Senior pastor of churches in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas for some 35 years he was instructed by God to call the Nation to prayer. In 1979 he established a non-profit organization called The National Call to Prayer. In 1988 he moved to Washington DC . There he launched The National Prayer Embassy to gather information and send out prayer alert’s by fax, radio and TV to those whom God had raised up to Pray for America. This was done so those who were committed to pray for our country could agree together in prayer about some of the same things on the same day. Over the past 25 years he has been in every State of America except North Dakota and many Nations of the World. His mission is clear: Enlist, Instruct, Encourage and Inspire people of all denominations to pray. He and his wife of 62 years, Velma, live in Fort Worth, Texas. He is still traveling and the mission has not changed. In 2006 the Lord moved on his heart to Enlist one million men to pray for Spiritual Awakening in America. You can learn more about this army of praying men at www.nationalcalltoprayer.org . In 2008, at the age of 80, Dr. Willhite felt led to begin what had been a life long dream of his, to build an Assisted Living Facility for Retiring Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Christian Business and professional men and women, as well as others. For information about this project go to: www.rocklandfoundation.org Pastor Bob says, “I can’t retire, there is too much left to do.” His first book, “Why Pray?” published by Creation House, was printed in Chinese, Korean, German, Spanish and English. Copies are available at www.nationalcalltoprayer.org