Prayers from the Heart

by Rev. James E. Holder



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/20/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781453556740
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781453556733
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781453556726

About the Book

Prayer has always been an integral part of author Rev. James E. Holder’s life. But while he was growing up, he observed that prayers had a predictable pattern and were pretty much routine recitations. This was troubling for him, a young man growing into a pastoral ministry. So, he tried writing some prayers—which became a regular thing for him. And in his newly released book, Prayers from the Heart, he shares some of these prayers so others, even the young pastors, can use this as a guide or plan for their own prayer moments—and experience the blessing of talking and being with God.

Divided into different chapters, from church prayers to selected prayers for occasions and professions, these beautiful Prayers from the Heart offer readers a chance to discover the wonderful feeling of writing and saying their own prayers. Because prayer is a way to communicate with God, it should bear meaning to the person praying. There should be truth, honesty, and faith in every word prayed and said.

Rev. Holder hopes that with this collection of prayers, readers will find some ideas and help on how to pray from the heart. “Others would probably approach this subject differently but if this challenges you to think – that’s all I’m asking for, anyway. This book goes out with my sincere prayer that all who might read it would find the way to satisfy that deep yearning to pray and to receive the very real sense that you have talked with the Heavenly Father about those things that are most important to you,” the author prays.

About the Author

James Holder was born March 7, 1928 to Gurney and Ada Holder in Mount Airy, North Carolina, located at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. He was the oldest of four children, two brothers and one sister. With godly parents, his early life revolved around church and regular attendance was mandatory. After graduating from Franklin High School, in Mount Airy, he attended Gardner-Webb Junior College, then later attended Lenoir Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina. He was married in 1949 to Euzelia Hamrick, whom he had met at the community church while a student at Gardner Webb. After fifty one years of marriage she died December 2, 2000. They had three children, two sons, and a daughter who was still born. He was introduced to Frances Pinnix Martin by his younger brother in 2002 and they were married in December of that year. James retired from the active pastorate a year later after approximately fifty five years in the pastoral ministry. James and Frances moved to Florida a year later. Frances died July 25, 2007. James moved back to South Carolina later that year. He still lives there and often preaches in churches where he has pastored or at other churches nearby.