Discover Design Pattern Thinking

Applying New Design Techniques to Improve our Mental Operacy




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781483637198
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781483637174
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781483637181

About the Book

"Thinking skill in unquestionably the fundamental human resource. We need to do much more about developing this skill, because the complexity of modern life demands more than routine reactions. There is an even bigger need for productive, constructive and generative thinking" “I hope that everyone concerned with the future direction of education will pay attention to these important matters which you raise in this book.” -- Dr. Edward de Bono WORLD’S LEADING AUTHORITY ON THINKING AS A DELIBERATE SKILL

About the Author

AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY Dr. Rudy Magnan, author, cognitive psychologist and education consultant has conducted seminars and workshops in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. An expert in skill training in the area of creativity, innovation, thinking, and cognitive teaching strategies. Dr. Magnan’s ideas are provocative and they emphasize the importance of design thinking. His analysis and proposals offer a fresh insight into how we can solve our problems in education as well in the workplace. Dr. Magnan received special training in the teaching of thinking as a deliberate skill in his collaboration with Dr. Edward de Bono, the internationally renowned leader in the area of creativity and design thinking. This included the Cort Thinking Skills program, the Six Thinking Hats, and Lateral Thinking Techniques. He has also been involved in corporate training programs designed to improve communication and performance in many American companies. An adjunct assistant professor at Adelphi University in 1978, Dr. Magnan was instrumental in bringing college credit course in the social sciences to high schools. He has also introduced the Cort Thinking Skills Program of Dr. de Bono into schools in Italy where he has also written a series of articles in creativity and innovation for a leading Italian newspaper.