The Past, The Present and To Come

by James A. Wolfinger Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/9/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781453514979
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781453514993
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781453514986

About the Book

I am an eighty-four-year old man with a great deal of history in my background. I left high school in tenth grade to sail on merchant ships during WWII. I worked my way through the engineering department from Fireman to Third Engineer. My brother was probably the youngest commander in the U.S. Merchant Marine. He was my mentor. After the war ended, I went back to high school and on to teachers college where I received my BS in Education with a major in mathematics. I taught math for one year before taking a job at a major aerospace company. I attended Drexel Institute of Technology for three years. I accepted an engineering position at a major California Aerospace company. I then transferred my credit to San Diego State University where I got my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I have spent over forty year in aerospace industry some of programs I worked on are the Atlas Missile Systems, Apollo Life Support System, and numerous Space Satellite Systems that were important to the defense of our country. In my later years after retirement I was called back to work various problems on many contracts in the aerospace companies. I discuss some of these projects in this book to encourage our young people to take up the technical challenges of today. American can remain strong with the will and dedication of our young people. Finally I decided to write this book to provide the background and understanding of the American culture. As you read the chapters of this book you will be reading about life in America in the past from 1929 and the present from 1929 to 2010. This book follows the story of my life.

About the Author

I am an 84 year old man with a great deal of history in my background. I left high school in tenth grade to sail on merchant ships during WW II. I worked my way through the engineering department from Fireman to Third Engineer My brother was probably the youngest commander in the U.S. Merchant Marine. He was my mentor. I have spent over forty year in aerospace industry some of programs I worked on are the Atlas Missile Systems, Apollo Life Support System and numerous Space Satellite Systems that were important to the defense of our country. In my later years after retirement I was called back to work various problems on many contracts in the aerospace companies. Finally I decided to write this book to provide the background and understanding of the American culture.