Warrior's Prayer

by Oliver John Calvert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/29/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781462826643
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 161
ISBN : 9781453575604

About the Book

Raised in war-torn colonial America imprints fifteen-year-old Johnny who cannot avoid his compelling purpose—to resist the oppression and tyranny that tortures his beloved homeland and family. Although Johnny embraces Christ as his Savior, he recognizes that he was born to “...stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free...” His plan; to join the Continental Army as a courier. But destiny will not allow him to deny duty. The tragic truth comes into jarring focus when Johnny realizes that the only way to save life in wartime is to take life. Johnny’s unfolding role in the American Revolutionary War delivers answers to Christian men and women everywhere presented with the challenges of their nation at war. Thanks be to God that he has answers for the most troubling questions and the grace to accept those answers for His glory.

About the Author

Serving the kingdom building ministry of Jesus for over twenty years, the author fi nds his life as an evangelist, singer and writer to be the ‘purpose’ he was searching for before he found the Lord. S-1 Intelligence work in the Marine Corps led to undercover fi eld operative work in civilian life in a private investigative house. Later, as a certifi ed bodyguard unable to resist the impulse to protect, he found that purpose continued to unfold. Finally, as a Lieutenant Staff Offi cer in crime prevention he realized that the sword he truly needed was the one “...sharper than any two-edged sword...” and that the battle he was created for was the one that rages for the souls of men. Now, sharing the Word of God through preaching, singing or writing has become the highest privilege and greatest joy he has ever known.