America NO MORE!
Book Details
About the Book
Just how arrogant can I be, With my misguided to speak to others The way people of the past have spoken to me? My blind attempts of using words as a brush, To paint a landscape of all my fears and lust. I long to find a way to say the things I see in my mind. To make people feel the things I may never find. When the time comes that I’ve been gone from this earthly plane, And it has been more than a century since someone has spoken my name. It is my hope that my words still echo through this world. To know that something I once said eventually was heard.
About the Author
Born in a German convent to American parents, John lived in Europe till the age 5, when they moved to Texas. Feeling lucky he can speak english in an understandable way at all. The author has always been able to write his thoughts and feelings much easier than trying to say them. Having moved a grand total of 36 times in his life roots are something he has never had. As you will be able to tell from the content of this book to say the least, John and his father do not talk nor have they for the better part of three decades. John currently resides in Illinois with his wife and two children.