The Forces Working Against A Sitting President

by James H. Lowe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 117
ISBN : 9781456850227
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 117
ISBN : 9781456850210
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 117
ISBN : 9781456850203

About the Book

This book has been written based on history and the many experiences I have witnessed and researched tharoughout my years growing up and living in this country. It is well noted that all of any class of people are not racist even if it appears to exist within that class. The Random House College Dictionary defines racism as ”The belief in or the practice of racism.” History has documented the practices of racism in this country over and over again. It is harder to determine if a person or nation’s belief in racism is present, although their acts might point in that direction. Where does racism start and where does it end? If a Black person is not given a job that he or she is qualified for, is that racism? To not allow a person of another race to eat in a White-owned restaurant, is that racism? How about not allowing a person of color to live where they want, is that racism? Or requiring women to be covered completely in public, is that racial? The entire world is in a must security operating system now. Is profiling a particular class of people racial? You be the judge. I strongly believe that racism is and always will be a part of our society and all races participate in it from time to time. Humans are flawed and will take part in such things just because we are human. We should learn to think of each other as human beings rather than White or Black. This book takes a look at what the first black president ever elected to a nation in the free World. The respect he is given by his fellow constituents and a nation that elected him is Appalling and history will adjudge them accordingly. I talk about the past; the past certainly shapes the present and will continue to play a great part in shaping the future. James H. Lowe, Ph.D,

About the Author