Bullette and Jessica
Book Details
About the Book
Dr. James Chisman is a retired industrial engineering professor from Clemson University. His publications include a biography of an obscure Irish poet, Johnny Tom Gleeson, a Civil War memoir, 76th Regiment, Keystone Zouaves, two textbooks on simulation modeling, one published by Prentice Hall, and many articles in technical and nontechnical magazines. He wrote and produced in Cork, Ireland a narrated musical song and dance review based on Victor Herbert’s life and music. He also has done productivity consulting work here and abroad. From his travels to over 78 countries, he has gathered enough interesting material to fill another Xlibris book, Travels and Tribulations: A Memoir.
About the Author
Dr. James Chisman is a retired industrial engineering professor from Clemson University. His publications include a biography of an obscure Irish poet, Johnny Tom Gleeson, a Civil War memoir, 76th Regiment, Keystone Zouaves, two textbooks on simulation modeling, one published by Prentice Hall, and many articles in technical and nontechnical magazines. He wrote and produced in Cork, Ireland a narrated musical song and dance revue based on Victor Herbert’s life and music. He also has done productivity consulting work here and abroad. He has travelled to 78 countries and has lived in six of them. This book was researched and written while he was a Fulbright Fellow to Ireland. He recently published a children’s book through Xlibris : “Bullette and Jessica” and “ Travels and Tribulations.”