Angry Love: A Book of Memoirs, Metaphors, and Colorful advice that will change your Angry Love into Laughter
A Book of Metaphors, Memoirs, and Colorful advice that will change your Angry Love into Laughter
Book Details
About the Book
Truly gifted, talented, strong voices, nicest mean girl,
crazy funny, are a few of the terms and words used to
describe this fi rst time Author Kimberly Canada. The
forty something single parent grew up in Oakland
California. Kimberly dropped out of high school to
work fulltime she fi nds out this wasn’t the best plan
she could have had. Later in her very adult life, she
fi nds herself divorced, sick and homeless with three
kids. Her anger for her situation kicks a fi ery fi erce
attitude that comes out in this book. Kimberly gives
you a front row seat to her deep thoughts, emotions
and hilarious times.
Angry love will make you laugh, cry, think, and laugh all over again after you read her true-life adventures. The hard-core advice she dishes out will inspire you to think about where you may want to make changes in your life. She will
inspire you to journal and record your life. This book has resource information to help those who may be in similar situations. Once you pick up Angry Love, you will not be able to put it down.
“OMG! A work of art, I love it! You are talented. I laughed, cried and laughed and cried you are offi cially crazy.”
Nikitra Hypolite,
“Title is AWESOME!
I am happy to say that you are simply amazing! You are so talented...a true poet. Raw...real, very thoughtful and INSPIRING.”
Lashonda Wilson
Wilson College Chambersburg, Pa,
“It’s fantastic, very talented writer, your own voice and unique style.”
Amy Eisenburg,
University of California, Santa Barbara
About the Author
Truly gifted, talented, strong voices, nicest mean girl, crazy funny, are a few of the terms and words used to describe this first time Author Kimberly Canada. The forty something single parents grew up in Oakland California. Kimberly dropped out of high school to work fulltime she finds out this wasn’t the best plan she could have had. Later in her very adult life, she finds herself divorced, sick and homeless with three kids. Her anger for her situation kicks a fiery fierce attitude that comes out in this book. Kimberly gives you a front row seat to her deep thoughts, emotions and hilarious times.