
by Mary B.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/13/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 101
ISBN : 9781465370952
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 101
ISBN : 9781469151144
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 101
ISBN : 9781465370969

About the Book

There are so many words that would embody the heart cringing emotions of this story. The expression of the struggle and pain that was felt from the aspect of a seven year old innocence being torn by her very own flesh and blood. To a two year old feelings of being alone with no home physically and emotionally. The emotional turmoil of a broken woman that developed through the moments of self mutilation, suicidal secrets, and very promiscuous ways of lost affection. Through the broken tears of her empty wounds, she expresses herself through the segregation of her conflicting sexuality, and spiritual beliefs. The embodiment of the of the disgust that was felt from the left over memories and her confusion of her sexual preference because of memories and past encounters. She finds herself searching for the aspect of young games as society labels her as a lost cause, she begins to cut again and love women while playing hide and seek and freeze tag in her internal soul. This novel expresses the view points of addictions, sexuality, segregation, and the absence of control. This novel captivates the very pages of the reader’s internal journal and will move your heart page by page.

About the Author

Mary was born in 1985. One of her deepest pleasures is writing spoken word because she feels as if she embodies the emotion of the art form. There are so many ways to describe a person but to embrace the aspect of putting her all into a novel is to describe what Mary has done within these pages.. She is currently completing her bachelor’s degree and aspires to be a physician. She accepts every breath of life with the complete motivation to do better for herself as well as her children.