Spencer Tracy, A Life in Pictures:

Rare, Candid, and Original Photos of the Hollywood Legend, His Family, and Career

by New England Vintage Film Society, Inc.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781477144022
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781477144015
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 385
ISBN : 9781477144039

About the Book

Spencer Tracy simply was every character he played on the silver screen. He was known as the actors-actor, a master of his craft. As members of the Tracy Family, we arte grateful to Brenda Loew for putting together this amazing photo book of Spencer Tracy for all the world to enjoy. His memory and legacy live on in this intimate portrait of a man and a life that was fully lived. - Cyndi Tracy & the Spencer Tracy Family

The minute you see Spencer Tracy on the screen you are immediately transfi xed on his humanity. Whether he plays a poor man, a wise-cracking sportswriter, the father of the bride, or the defender of a great cause, in the end, Spencer Tracy truly is the heroic Santiago from Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea, courageously battling the sharks that would tear apart his dignity and life's work. No other actor had his gift. - Upton Bell, New England radio and television talk show host whose mother, Broadway actress and comedienne Frances Bell, starred with Eddie Cantor in Whoopee! and the Ziegfeld Follies of 1928, in the early talkie Night Work, and in one of the first experimental television broadcasts in New York City with Gertrude Lawrence and Lionel Atwill. She was a great admirer of Tracy when he was on the New York stage.


Spencer Tracy, A Life in Pictures: Rare, Candid and Original Photos of the Hollywood Legend, His Family, and Career presents a unique and compelling portrait of the man, his career, and family, including rare imagesof his marriage to actress Louise Treadwell and their two children: John, who was born deaf, and Susie. More than 300 rare, candid and original images in this edition illustrate how Spencer Tracy's life, family and career touched people in every corner of the world.

Combining a unique mixture of original news service photographs, celebrity stills, and rare, candid, and unique snapshots, this dazzling collection of over three hundred images, Spencer Tracy, A Life in Pictures: Rare, Candid and Original Photos of the Hollywood Legend, His Family and Career captures the life and legacy of a Golden Age Hollywood legend, onscreen and off. One of the most versatile and popular movie stars of the twentieth century, Spencer Tracy's life and career spanned sixty-seven tumultuous years of twentieth-century American history, including two world wars, the Great Depression, technological advances, the emergence of the nuclear age, the cold war, and the rise of the women's and civil rights movements.

Behind the scenes, two-time Academy Award-winner Spencer Tracy faced personal and professional challenges without parallel or precedent. Books and articles are still being written today in an attempt to explain the mystique surrounding the Spencer Tracy legend. His story is an inspiring legacy.

About the Author

Brenda Loew, a former tenured public school speech therapist, is President, New England Vintage Film Society, Inc. (www.nevintagefilm.org). Brenda carries on an historical connection to show business as the great-niece of the late entertainment mogul E. M. Loew. Brenda’s recently endorsed books are Spencer Tracy, Fox Film Actor: the Pre-Code Legacy of a Hollywood Legend; Playbills to Photoplays: Stage Performers Who Pioneered the Talkies; and Spencer Tracy, A Life in Pictures: Rare, Candid and Original Photos of the Hollywood Legend, His Family, and Career. Brenda is also the author of Sophia’s Ghost Alarm!, a children’s picture book for ages 2 - 4+ that tells a bedtime story to help very young children feel safe in their new, “grown-up” beds; Spaulding Sparrow’s Extraordinary Adventure, written for children ages 3 - 6, about a fledgling male sparrow who unexpectedly falls out of the nest and survives to eventually return home and tell his mother and baby sister all about his extraordinary adventure and Nana, Bananas, and Max, for ages 3-5, about fussy eater Max who won’t eat at his grandparents’ house. His nana and papa take Max to the market where he makes a nutritious food choice and can’t wait to eat! Brenda Loew’s books are sold on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and Xlibris.com.