But God Gave Me Common Sense

Sometimes It's Better To Love

by Cathy Jackson Carr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/31/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781469136233
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781469136240
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781469136257

About the Book

I learned about God as a little girl. I've always believed in a higher power, not having evidence of anything else, I accepted there is a God. Believing mad me fear being struck by lightning or bad things happening if I did them. Living a life full of hate, deception, greed, gossip, thieving or trying to intimidate just won't on my list of things to do. The world has told people they are supposed to abuse and mistreat people when given the opportunity. I was always fighting as a child. I'd fight anybody I felt was mistreating me. That meant a lot of fights. I knew once I got to where I wanted to be in life, I would never have to argue or fight anybody again. I also knew my life would be what I made it. I knew if I didn't surround myself with jealousy, envy and hate. These things would not have a place in my life. The abuse of people starts with the young. When people are abused from the very young then it's what they learn, it's all they know and it's how they think things are supposed to be. The abuse trickles into every aspect of their lives. With the number of people coming forward today with claims of abuse. We should all determine it to be the cause of this vicious cycle we all revolve in. It is this vicious cycle that will make me appear to be repeating myself but as you'll soon see, everything ties together. One thing is a cause or an effect of another Can I be the only person to refuse to become a victim of this system of things? Can I be the only person to not just accept abuse from people? Can I be the only person to refuse to be a victim of this system of things? Can I be the only person to refuse to live a life full of hate, jealousy, competition, resentment and greed among other negative things? Can I be the only person to refuse to abandon the beliefs and principals taught in the bible? Psychologists have told people, abuse and mistreatment by others is a key factor in growing up. They say everybody gets this treatment and everybody feels it. They say people should suck-it-up, forgive the abuse, forgive the person and go on with Our lives. But the abuse trickles into every aspect of people's lives. This book is an attempt to get people to look at their lives. I am comparing the things we see and do every day to what the bible says is right. I am not judging you. It is not my place to judge anybody. The almighty God will judge us all at the appropriate time. I will point out however you are judged by people everyday. I am asking you to judge yourself. This is a book about love. Love of God, love of self and love of others. Unconditional love. That's the only thing God requires of us. But what is love? I'm not sure anybody can answer that question, I certainly can't tell you. I can however tell you what it is not. What nobody should ever believe it to be. Most people don't know the first thing about love. They have to go on what they've accepted from people while being told its love. People mistake loving people for the need to see and talk to them daily or at least three or four times a week. Advances in technology have people not only allowing family and friends into their homes but they are so desperate to be a part of something that they are also opening themselves up to perfect strangers daily. Life is what you make it. I believe people bring a lot of life's problems on themselves. They feel the need to know everything happening in other people's lives, they feel the need to tell people what's happening in theirs. Too much communication is soon much contamination. In this book I'll be telling you what I believe and how I live. I'll be telling you what my attempt to live the life God planned for all of us has given me. I'll be telling you why I believe God favors me. And although I know the things that wok for me won't work for everybody. I'd be happy just giving people something to think about. If just one person is changed for the better. my mission will be accomplishe

About the Author

I’ve always questioned what people call love for one another. Common sense just told me the things I heard them say and saw them do were not love. I have learned that nobody knows what love is. People have to go on what they’ve accepted from people while being told its love. I’ve also come to realize the best way to truly love people is to do it from a distance. I’ve done it my entire life and can honestly say it has brought me nothing but love, happiness and well wishes for everybody.