Abdominal Training: Inside and Out

by George A. James



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/22/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781479727025
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781479727032

About the Book

About The Author George James currently resides in the DC Metro Area with his wife Carol, dog, and fish. He has been involved in the fitness industry for 12 years as a personal trainer and group exercise coordinator. Published works include health articles for Infuse, a young adult Christian magazine, Milo, and two books entitled Can God Smile and A Father and Son Book of Poetry and Prose. Besides emphasizing a strong abdominal wall, he has also participated in weightlifting, powerlifting, and all around lifting competitions since 1996. George was a graduate of Slippery Rock University with an exercise science degree, and has various certifications through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Kettlebell Athletics, and the United States Olympic Training Center. He also serves as a third class petty officer corpsman reservist and currently does drill at Andrews Air force Base in Maryland. In his spare time he enjoys dancing with his wife, walking his dog, exercising, reading, fishing, shooting his 9mm beretta, and being a positive influence in the universe.

About the Author

About The Author George James currently resides in the DC Metro Area with his wife Carol, dog, and fish. He has been involved in the fitness industry for 12 years as a personal trainer and group exercise coordinator. Published works include health articles for Infuse, a young adult Christian magazine, Milo, and two books entitled Can God Smile and A Father and Son Book of Poetry and Prose. Besides emphasizing a strong abdominal wall, he has also participated in weightlifting, powerlifting, and all around lifting competitions since 1996. George was a graduate of Slippery Rock University with an exercise science degree, and has various certifications through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Kettlebell Athletics, and the United States Olympic Training Center. He also serves as a third class petty officer corpsman reservist and currently does drill at Andrews Air force Base in Maryland. In his spare time he enjoys dancing with his wife, walking his dog, exercising, reading, fishing, shooting his 9mm beretta, and being a positive influence in the universe.