My Son, The Genius
Book Details
About the Book
James Robert Long III was diagnosed as a genius at the age of 4. Life has been good to him as you will find out when you follow the path that he relates to you. His father was also a genius and had problems with his mind being attacked whenever a crime was being performed in the vicinity where his mind could capture the action. This kid genius practically took over everything at the age of 5 but was fortunate not to have brought any dissatisfaction upon his family or anyone else. The family tried to keep anyone outside of their realm from knowing about such performance.. He carried on the regular family tradition of being the one in control of almost everything that entered his mind as well as inventions, becoming an author and anything else he thought of doing and was successful in his actions at an early age in life.
About the Author
The author is married, has three children, two grand children and two great grandchildren. Military retired as Lt. Col. Served years during WW II in the ETO. Owned and operated Nursing Homes in the San Antonio Medical Center for years before selling. Graduated from Trinity University.