My Life Story So Far

by Patrick C. James



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/7/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781479771646
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781479771639

About the Book

     The   world  is  indeed  small  and,  for  many  of  us,  a  world  view  is  lacking,so  that  smallness  is  not  necessarily  a  good  thing.   My   friend   Patrick   James   was  born  in  relative  prosperity  on  the  small,  outragiously  beautiful   Caribbean   island  of   Dominica,   where  opportunities  for  travel,  for  a  rewarding  career  and  for  a  satisfying  life  can  be  a  dream,  followed  by  reality – witness  the  twice  as  many   Dominicans   (as  those  living  in   Dominica)  who  are  living,  working  or  comfortably  retired  in  such  far  flung  countries  as the   U.S.A.,  the   United   Kingdom  and   Canada.


     During   his  “growing  up”  years,  however,  and  as  a  result  of  circumstance,   Patrick   experienced  wild  swings  of  fortune  but,  because  he  was  fortunate  enough  to  be  blessed  with  great  intelligence  and  sensitivity,  he  grasped  education  as  his  means  for  personal  fulfillment   as  wellas  his  ticket  off  the  island  and  into  the  greater  world.   To  do  so  meant  severing  family  ties  that  sustain  us  in  difficult  times,  including  a  short  separation  from  his  beloved  grandfather,  who  sent him    back  to  his  parents  for  petty  thieving  and    so  that  he  might  learn  a  lesson  the  hard  way,  become  repentant,  ask  for  forgiveness  and,  gleefully,  be  accepted  back  into  his  beloved  grandfather's  household.   At  that  time  (1938)   Patrick's   parents  lived  in   Antigua,  approximately  90  miles  away  from   Dominica   and,  to  Patrick,   Antigua   did  not  feel  like  home.   Prior  to   Patrick's   temporary   banishment  and,  form  time  to  time,  all  too  sympathetic   Patrick  eight  year  old   Patrick   would  steal a  few  pennies  from  his  grandfather's   shop  drawer,  to  feed  his  less  fortunate  and  very  hungry  friends.   Finally,   Patrick   was  caught  and  sent  away  as  a  form  of  punishment  for  wrong  doing.   While   Patrick   lived  in   Dominica  with  his  grandfather,   he  had  to  cope  with  the  absence  of  his  father,   who  would  have  provided   guidance  and  taught  him  to  be  self – reliant.   Patrick   grew  up  being  all  thumbs.   Later,   he  taught  himself  self – reliance.


    Patrick   overcame  all  obstacles  and  his  travels  would  take  him  t  several  other  islands  in  the  Caribbean   area,  including   Guyana   and   Venezuela   in   South   America,  both  of  which  do  have   Caribbean   sea  fronts,  the   Canary  Islands  off  the  west  coast  of   North   Africa,   Barcelona   on   Spain's   Mediterranean   coast  line,   Genoa  in   Italy,   Nice  and   Paris   in   France,   Brussels  (Belgium),   Amsterdam   (the   Netherlands),  the   United   Kingdom,   Johannesburg   and   Cape   Town   in   South   Africa,   Singapore,   Perth   (Western   Australia   and,  finally,   Florida,   U.S.A   Patrick   would  see  his  love  of  education  allowing  him  to  teach   into  his  eighties,  affecting  the  lives  of  thousands  of  human  beings  in  many  countries.


    To   meet   Patrick   is  to  meet  an   African   American   and  a  world  citizen,  a  cultured  man  with  a  beautiful   English   accent  and  a   Caribbean   lilt  to  his  voice,  whose  qualities  of  hard  work,  empathy,  intelligence  and  respect  are  instantly  apparent  in  the  first  moments  of  making  his  acquaintance,  and    whose  knowledge  of  world  affairs,  literature  and  history  and  his  unwavering  religious  faith  make  him  a  lodestone  to  his  friends  and  acquaintances,  a  leader  by  example  to  others,  and  to  children  a  guiding   North   Star   to  fulfilling  their  own  hopes  and  dreams.

About the Author

During his “growing up” years, however, and as a result of circumstance, Patrick experienced wild swings of fortune but, because he was fortunate enough to be blessed with great intelligence and sensitivity, he grasped education as his means for personal fulfi llment as well as his ticket off the island and into the greater world. To do so meant severing family ties that sustain us in diffi cult times, including a short separation from his beloved grandfather, who sent him back to his parents for petty thieving and so that he might learn a lesson the hard way, become repentant, ask for forgiveness and, gleefully, be accepted back into his beloved grandfather’s household. At that time (1938) Patrick’s parents lived in Antigua, approximately 90 miles away from Dominica and, to Patrick, Antigua did not feel like home. Prior to Patrick’s temporary banishment and, from time to time, all too sympathetic Patrick eight year old Patrick would steal a few pennies from his grandfather’s shop drawer, to feed his less fortunate and very hungry friends. Finally, Patrick was caught and sent away as a form of punishment for wrong doing. While Patrick lived in Dominica with his grandfather, he had to cope with the absence of his father, who would have provided guidance and taught him to be self – reliant. Patrick grew up being all thumbs. Later, he taught himself self – reliance.