Stories and Essays on Being in the Eternal Now
Book Details
About the Book
In MARGINS OF PHILOSOPHY, while discussing the challenge before phenomenology, Jacques Derrida speaks of the “ground of signification” and the “pedestal of silence,” but his two very apt phrases also apply to the ENTIRE human project of understanding ourselves and the multiverse—the aim of THIS book. In other words, FOUNDATIONS OF MEANING expresses the ENTIRE range of human experience in the multiverse: dream-speak, stream-of-consciousness, dialog, storytelling, analysis, synthesis, meditation, music, and so on—synergized into a polyphony that resonates in frequencies that no one mode (from science to mysticism) can attain alone because all such modes reject one another and thus limit their effectiveness. In other words, as inclusive and multicultural societies are the most advanced and best-prepared for the future, so FOUNDATIONS OF MEANING heals the rifts separating the many human disciplines, synergizes the many human modes of expression, focuses our aims as a civilization whose inner ANGELS have been at war with our inner DEMONS, and shows how guarded optimism and free thought can empower humanity to mature and spread across this galaxy and then on to others—ad infinitum.
About the Author
John Likides (MA in English, City College of CUNY) is the author of Eros Triumphant (2010), Infinite Sustain (2007), and Out of the Labyrinth (2003). His work has appeared in Confrontation, The Portable Lower East Side, and other journals. He teaches for the University of Phoenix Online. He works in threes: WRITES literary romance novels of ideas about synchronicity and reincarnation investigated by freethinkers, COMPOSES soundtracks for his books, and PAINTS the covers of his books and CDs. An atheist, he aspires to a spirituality that facilitates humanity’s perpetual improvement and systematic expansion across the galaxy.