Simply Programming C# and Visual Basic …
C# and Visual Basic
Book Details
About the Book
Simply Programming
This is a book that teaches the basics of programming in either Microsoft's C# or Visual Basic or both if so desired. It covers all the basic functions , most variables and up to and including accessing databases from your programs.
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The objective of the book is to build a basic knowledge of SQL database programming .... NOT to cover everything or make you an expert.
You will build a relative simple a database with three tables, various data-type of columns , enter data into the database and write "Queries" that extract , manipulate and do calculations with the stored data.
The book is available in paperback or e-book versions.
The book is available on line from XLibris Publishing Bookstore and other major publishers bookstores including Barnes and Nobles.
The downloadable files are in Winzip (Zip) format and will need to be un-zipped to use them.
I appreciate the opportunity of sharing what I have learned with you.
John Queen
About the Author
This book is for anyone interested in working with either C# or Visual Basic or both. Honestly, if you are a person with a trace of logical thinking and the desire to learn, you can do everything discussed in this book. When you’re done, you can be confident that you are able and ready to pursue and master advanced programming topics with every reason to expect complete success. The vocabulary you will need is developed in a methodical, thoughtful process by relating techniques to results. It is not a memorization exercise. My personal preference is C#, probably because I started working with “C” at AT&T Computer Systems when “C” was in its infancy. For a beginner, VB is a little less demanding and accomplishes the same job, just a little differently in terms of syntax and a few key words. Remember the old saying “Monkey see, Monkey do”? It should say “Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey learn”!!! The text is very focused …Almost every sentence is an instruction to do something … or explains very pointedly the expected results of what you are going to do. In most “Teach Yourself books” you read many, many pages and get (forget) concepts confused before you put them to work. Forgetting or being confused by waiting will not be your experience this time. Concepts are presented in bite-sized units that make immediate use of the ideas. The focus is “doing”. I’ll say it several times before we’re done… If you’re not making any mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough!! Experiment and learn. I progresses rapidly through the fundaments of developing and testing applications that work, with minimal discussion of issues of little or no immediate use. The vocabulary is kept to every possible extent, to plain English. The examples are written with the idea that they will be used as reference and “copy and paste” code for other application the reader will develop on their own, later. Neither time nor effort is wasted filtering through text that accomplishes nothing. All text is related to the task at hand. Even in database tutorial, where some serious explaining is done before coding. The coding is kept to simple, straight-forward, step by step processing. Commands are not nested inside other commands which makes them in-decipherable to most people getting started in the field and gives me reason to hesitate when I see the extreme forms of this style of coding. Code for both C# and VB are provided for “every” exercise. The downloadable code examples are available from the publisher’s website and they work!!!