Life And Times of Alice Fay Joy Young-Bennett-Eldridge

by Alice Eldridge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/30/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 239
ISBN : 9781483697079
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 239
ISBN : 9781483697086

About the Book

This book is about me! My life! Not my sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, or any one else’s just mine. This book is not to offend anyone, find fault with anyone, but to be of help to someone. It’s the way I saw things and the things that happened to me. This is a true account of my life as it unfolded day after day month after month and year after year. The things that happened to me as a child, I had no controll over, I was only five years old when I started recalling these things. This is not a pretty story, but never the less a true one. Some of the things I did are not very pleasing to read but I found that I should get them out into the opening for the healing of my life to take place. The words might be of help to someone else. If you ever find yourself in a situation like mine you will know that you are not the only one and that there are many, many people in this world, who carries the same kind tourture on their shoulders. I hope the book will help them get throught the pain, and suffering in their lives. I was embrassed and just plain ashamed for over twenty years myself. In 1995-96 I facilitated a small drug prevention class called (Project Charlie) Chemical Abuse Resolutions Lies in Education. While instructing this class I learned much better how to enjoy my life as it is right now. I learned to be honest with myself. I realized that I had nothing to hide and I made up my mind to share with the world some of the things that had influenced me to do the things that I did. I was inspired to write this true story of my life one day as I was talking to the class about being ashamed and afraid.. Through some of these experiences I learned a valuable lesson, something I will never forget. I know now that no matter how hard life seems to be treating you, you can raise above all your doubts and fears and change your own destiny; and become happy in this life. I say to you if there has been anything in your life to bound you down, cripple you, and stop you from living a good and desent life get rid of it, get it off of your shoulder, don’t let it get the best of you, chew it up and spit it out, so you can live a regret free life existence. I was born Alice Fay Joy Young in Henderson (Rusk County) Texas, December 1st. 1944, to a Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Blue) and Corene Young. My mother called me (Titty). My siblings called me Fay. I never liked the name Fay. I don’t know why but I never did. Mom said she called me Titty because she was so sick when I was born. She births me while going through metaphase. I was lucky to be born at that time of her life. I couldn’t nurse her breast and I was allergic to cow’s milk, so she had to make me what she called a sugar tit. She had to make it with malted milk. I never did find out how she got that milk, I did wonder from time to time (when she was telling me about my life) how we could afford it; being as poor as we were. I was the last child of thirteen. Her last little curly haired baby girl. (She’d often stated so affectionally). I had a head full of sandy colored curly hair, very light skin, brown eyes and I had my thumb and pointer finger in my mouth when I came out. I know this to be true because, I sucked those two fingers until I was about fifteen years old. I sometimes now curl my thumb and pointer up and put them into my mouth just to see what I got out of them, but they just don’t taste the way they did then.

About the Author

I grew up in a small West Texas town without a plate to eat from, no spoon to eat with, not even a glass to drink from. Sometimes having to go through alleys up town to find food to eat. I left home at fifteen with a three month old baby girl, a man seventeen years older than myself. I was uneducated, worked in the cotton fields, drove tractors, run irrigation lines, butcherd hogs inside the house, worked right along beside my husband. I birthed eleven children, miscarriaged a twin, suffered many forms of physical, mental, and sexual abuse, became an alcoholic and a drug abuser, lost all the children to the State of Texas, and endured many storms of depression. Never the less; through continued faith in Nichiren’s Buddhism, determination, and confidence in MYSELF, I am now clean and sobor, Got my GED, went to college, free of all addictions, and am completely happy and at peace with myself! I have no regrets. Ms. Alice Fay Joy Young, Eldridge A.J..E