Feeling Wheels

Poetic messages of celebration, reflection, and emotions

by Gwendolyn Carole Tipton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/15/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781493195459
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781493195442
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781493195435

About the Book

GWENDOLYN CAROLE TIPTON has spent three years journaling her life with a mandate to put her daily thoughts into emotional verses. This small book has five chapters that compile her feelings of joy, sadness, and perhaps madness, to share with readers: A. Celebration of Lives B. Reflections and Meditations C. Songs of Love and Inspiration D. Poetic Messages of Praise E. Quatrains Define Emotions These are 250 verses that represent poetry, spiritual messages, and song lyrics. Each one reflects a time on her journey when those thoughts and observations were prevalent. As a reader, Feeling Wheels will take you on a ride through the spectrum of emotions, tapping into a wellspring of feelings.

About the Author

GWENDOLYN CAROLE TIPTON, a retiree, writes inspirations from the heart. Her first book, The Prayor: One Who Prays, is a yearlong devotional journal. She earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Cincinnati and continues her involvement with area universities as a lecturer for institutes for lifelong learning in retirement.